Empower Your Personal Health with Sante Assure

Private Medical Insurance (PMI) covers private healthcare facilities, treatments, and access to the latest drugs often not available via the NHS. It offers faster treatment times and avoids long waiting lists, with options for individual, joint, family, and child-only policies to suit different needs and budgets that allows you to take control you and your family’s treatment.

Fast-track Your Healthcare: The Benefits of Private Medical Insurance

Access quicker healthcare with Private Health Cover. This insurance option ensures prompt diagnosis and treatment for short-term medical issues, bypassing lengthy waiting times. Cover varies, from basic surgery and hospital care to comprehensive plans offering outpatient appointments, access to top private hospitals, and more. Private Medical Insurance not only offers speed, control and privacy but is often more affordable than you would expect.

Recover Faster with Enhanced Access to Care

With Private Medical Insurance from Sante Assure, you can benefit from appointments at nearby private facilities, led by your preferred specialist. This allows for prompt diagnosis and treatment, ensuring a quicker return to your regular routine and activities.


Swift Medical Assistance

Receive prompt diagnosis and private treatment for temporary medical issues.

Rapid Hospital Admission

Experience fast-track admission to local hospitals for a swift and efficient recovery.

Local Specialist Appointments

Access consultations with specialists of your choice at nearby private facilities.

About Us

When it comes to health, life and business protection and insurances, only a specialist brokerage with our experience and knowledge can get to fully understand your requirements and ultimately provide you with the best advice.

 Health Insurance Partners and Providers

At Sante Assure, we collaborate closely with leading Health Insurance partners and providers to deliver comprehensive and tailored solutions for our clients.

Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding your personal insurance needs, we’re here to help. Feel free to reach out to us, and our team will be happy to assist you.